The Philadelphia Section Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that the Section has awarded 16 scholarships, totaling $15,000 for the 2023-2024 scholarship drive! Congratulations to the outstanding students listed below!
Doctoral Students
Bradie Crandall, University of Delaware, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Chara Angelidou, University of Delaware, Mechanical Engineering
Emily Lambeth, University of Delaware, Biomedical Engineering
Farida Ahmed Koly, University of Delaware, Mechanical Engineering / Tribology
Hannah Power, University of Delaware, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Li Yuan, University of Pennsylvania, Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
Mattew Murdock, University of Delaware, Chemical Engineering
Nishtha Pant, University of Delaware, Materials Science & Engineering
Prince Sharma, Lehigh University, Mechanical Engineering
Matthew Ziarnik, Lehigh University, Bioengineering
Siyu Chen, Villanova University, Mechanical Engineering
Swapana Jerpoth, Rowan University, Chemical Engineering
Masters Students
Jonathan Gary DeBoer, University of Maryland, Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Students
Albert Paredes, Drexel University, Chemistry
Bobby Stevens, Villanova University, Mechanical Engineering
Jack Perna, Wilkes University, Mechanical Engineering