University of Delaware Graduate Student Awarded Philadelphia STLE Scholarship

From left to right: STLE member Claire Lutz, scholarship winner Hannah Power and STLE member Bill Tuszynski.

The Philadelphia Section of the STLE is pleased to award a $1,000 scholarship to University of Delaware Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student Hannah Power, working under the direction and mentorship of Professor Tripp Shenton. Power came to Delaware after earning her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from Villanova University.

Power’s research explores the potential for using Retroreflective Sheeting Materials (RRSM) as a passive strain sensor for monitor transportation infrastructure systems. Her preliminary research has shown that the reflectivity of these materials decreases as they are strained, a change which can be easily measured using a reflectometer, making these materials potential strain sensors for vital infrastructure, such as bridges. Power’s work thus far resulted in a journal publication as first author, as well as multiple reports as a co-author.

Power is described as an excellent communicator with a great work ethic and organizational skills. She is recognized as a role model to engineers, especially to women in Civil engineering. She is committed to serving those in need through her work with Engineers Without Borders, through which she has travelled to Nicaragua, Honduras, and Bolivia to design and build essential infrastructure, as well as teach.