University of Maryland Student Awarded Philadelphia STLE Scholarship

From left to right: Scholarship winner Jonathan DeBoer and STLE member Rick Nachenberg.

The Philadelphia Section of the STLE is pleased to award a $500 scholarship to University of Maryland student Jonathan DeBoer. DeBoer is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering under the direction of Prof. B. Balachandran. His research, which began as an undergraduate in the Balachandran lab, has a focus on observing non-linear phenomena and controlling non-linear oscillations. Although early in his research career, DeBoer already is a co-author on a peer-reviewed publication and on a conference presentation. He has collaborated with a doctoral student to build coupled non-linear oscillators and participated in conducting experiments with this assembly. Understanding the fluid dynamics of circulation lubricant systems is important in ensuring that they perform as intended.

DeBoer was cited for his confidence, drive, and passion. He has served as an ambassador for the Balachandran group and the Mechanical Engineering Department for outreach events such as Maryland Day.